Let’s get to know

Managing Director

Kristjan Jegorov

Tel: +372 51935556

Project Manager

Meelis Kuivjõgi

Tel: +372 53090999

Production manager

Igor Ostrovštšuk

Tel: +372 58666161

Warehouse Manager

Kalev Õitspuu

Tel: +372 59198797

HR Manager

Triin Rang

Tel: +372 53043066


Harri Naagel

Tel: +372 51990682


Algis Kitsnik

Tel: +372 5275322


Ruslan Morev

Tel: +372 5460 0554

Office and production assistant

Hille Vierland

Tel: +372 53027129

Production planner

Marili Lember

Tel: +372 5586891

Sourcing specialist

Kristo Räämet

Tel: +372 58859543


  • Markland Trade OÜ
  • Reg nr: 10824854
  • Tehnika 2
  • 75401, Kiili, Estonia
  • (+372) 53027129
  • info(at)markland.ee

Open hours

  • E-R: 8.00 – 16:30
  • L-P: closed

Communication leads to solutions

For now You are already aware about Markland services to offer.
Please call or e-mail to us with any additional question, new project or RFQ.
You are very welcome to visit our plant whenever You need!

Write us